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Deep Scalp Rejuvenation
There is nothing like the deep conditioning and feeling of relaxation that follows a Mayflower deep scalp rejuvenation. It is a glorious sensation. Your entire treatment from product selection to massage is customized to your specific needs.

Mayflower Nourishing Manicure
Our signature manicure includes both rejuvenating anti-aging and hydrating treatments to reveal younger looking hands before a complete manicure.

Mayflower Nourishing Pedicure
Our signature pedicure exfoliates with seasonal natural scrubs, before enveloping, warming and rejuvenating your active feet with hydrating botanical oils and a glorious rub. It includes nail conditioning and a buff or nail polish.

Polish Change
Shaping, moisturizing and polish change.

Shampoo and Style
Look your best—shampoo with products selected for your hair needs and enjoy new tips on blow-dry techniques from one of our experts.

Hair Removal
We offer gentle waxing for the face and body.

Allow at least two hours for drying after a manicure or pedicure treatment before booking any activity or treatment that requires shoes, socks—or immersion in water.