Tools and Strategies
Explore ways to quiet the mind and focus your
intentions with specific tools, strategies, meditative rituals
and pastimes.
Blue Heron Insights 
Know yourself and work from your strengths. This one-on-one
consultation gives you a better understanding of what motivates
you. Get tips on how to optimize interactions with others
and identify potential hindering factors. Apply the self-awareness
gained in this process throughout your Mayflower Experience.

Blue Book It! — an Exploration
of Journaling 
Whether you want to start a novel, record the events of the
day, or ease your mind by writing down the thoughts that interfere
with a good night’s sleep. Explore techniques and the
practice of journaling.

Mayflower Meditation 
Immediately after Stretch & Release, this quarter hour
is devoted to breathing techniques, melodic repetition and
meditation to prepare you for a peaceful evening and restful
sleep. Quiet body~Quiet mind.

Unlike a maze, the labyrinth
seeks to quiet the mind; it offers an opportunity to walk
in meditation to a place within, where the rational mind merges
with the intuitive. It is there that we can re-discover our
spirituality by invoking the sacred into the everyday; we
can become closer to ourselves and our spirituality.

Breath & Mindful Meditation
Learn to relax and be completely present. Explore breathing
techniques that help quiet the mind, lower your stress and
soothe the body. We provide a number of chairs, zafus and
zabutons to help you find a comfortable seat.

Finger Labyrinth, Buddha Board &
Zen Garden
Portable relaxation at your fingertips. These clever and beautiful
tools are available around Spa House and this class will show
you how to make use of them.

Sleep Well
Fall asleep more easily and improve the quality of your sleep.
This session, in conjunction with other relaxation inducing
experiences at Mayflower, will go a long way to reducing sleep
disturbances. Please complete your Sleep Diary prior to arrival
to optimize the value of this session.

Music Therapy
Laughter and bonding are the keys to this workshop where you
explore your inner music, songs and rhythms. Some sessions
focus on voice and others use techniques from drumming to
singing bowls.

What’s in a Chant?
Call and Response is a fun and easy way to enjoy tone and
vibration as effective tools to awaken energy and quiet the

The Knitting Circle
Knitting is a relaxing as well as a productive pastime. Our
instructor will get you started with a variety of projects
to choose from and work on throughout the week and beyond.

Break the Cycle
Explore the habits that prevent you from reaching your full
potential. There are certain mistakes we enjoy so much we
are always willing to repeat them. This seminar will give
you tools to change the way you think so that you can change
the way you act.

Feng Shui
Explore the universal wisdom of this ancient art and learn
how changing your physical space according to Feng Shui principles
can change your life and bring in new opportunities.

Organize your Life
There are tricks to the trade of getting organized in your
home and in your life. Our expert will give you some of the
best strategies.

Learn this critical life saving technique. Participants will
receive their Red Cross Certification.

Just relax in a canoe on Blue Heron Pond.

Nurturing Creativity
Memoir Writing 
Memoir is the literature of self discovery and we will have
leading memoir writers on hand to inspire your inner muse.

Watercolor and Landscape
The New England landscape is a wonder in every season and
watercolors are a vivid, fun and inspiring way to enjoy it
even more. Let your creativity loose and be inspired!

The Joy of Tea
Tea as ritual, as a social moment, as a delicious way to treat
your body and calm your mind in the company of others.

The Art of Flowers
Flower arranging is beautiful, relaxing and brings you closer
to the nature around you. We will show you how to reap the
benefits. |