In 1992 Robert and Adriana Mnuchin discovered the Mayflower Inn and saw in it an unexplored potential for greatness. Having successfully established themselves in the working world, they decided to turn their abundant energies and abilities to the resurrection of this once proud estate that had fallen into neglect and disrepair.
Meticulous in their thoughtful reclamation of the Inn’s former glory, they applied themselves not only to restoring the property’s grand buildings, but also to revitalizing the estate’s grounds. For example, every tree has been carefully chosen and planted in considered counterpoint to those of the surrounding Steeprock Reserve. Likewise, the American Poets’ Maze, Shakespeare Garden, and other plants and flowers have been selected to accentuate the country manor appeal of the Mayflower Inn.
Having set in motion the restoration project, Adriana and Robert set to traveling extensively across Europe to obtain the very best in Old World art and artifacts. Everything from the sensuous fabrics to the paintings that adorn the Inn and Spa were artfully assembled by the pair in fulfillment of their vision of the Mayflower as the very finest of its kind in New England.
And the results, which stand before us today, have for many years now met with great approval and acclaim. Never ones to be satisfied with the accomplishments of yesterday, Robert and Adriana continue to apply themselves to the revision of the rooms, grounds and technology of the Mayflower Inn, ensuring that guests benefit from their selection of the very best in comfort and convenience.
More recently, their daughter Lisa Hedley joined with them to bring the site’s heritage of healing to the fore by gloriously expanding the estate’s exercise facilities, wellness rituals, outdoor activities—and, most recently, by working with Adriana to develope a luminous 20,000 square foot spa. Here, our guests can enjoy the true fruition of the Mayflower spirit, an unparalleled combination of luxury and health focused on meeting each individual’s particular needs and desires. |